Results for 'L. E. Wolf'

935 found
  1.  45
    (1 other version)IRBs and ethically challenging protocols: views of IRB chairs about useful resources.N. Sirotin, L. E. Wolf, L. M. Pollack, J. A. Catania, M. M. Dolcini & B. Lo - 2009 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 32 (5):10-19.
  2. Body Awareness: a phenomenological inquiry into the common ground of mind-body therapies.Wolf E. Mehling, Judith Wrubel, Jennifer Daubenmier, Cynthia J. Price, Catherine E. Kerr, Theresa Silow, Viranjini Gopisetty & Anita L. Stewart - 2011 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 6:6.
    Enhancing body awareness has been described as a key element or a mechanism of action for therapeutic approaches often categorized as mind-body approaches, such as yoga, TaiChi, Body-Oriented Psychotherapy, Body Awareness Therapy, mindfulness based therapies/meditation, Feldenkrais, Alexander Method, Breath Therapy and others with reported benefits for a variety of health conditions. To better understand the conceptualization of body awareness in mind-body therapies, leading practitioners and teaching faculty of these approaches were invited as well as their patients to participate in focus (...)
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    Certificates of Confidentiality: Protecting Human Subject Research Data in Law and Practice.Leslie E. Wolf, Mayank J. Patel, Brett A. Williams Tarver, Jeffrey L. Austin, Lauren A. Dame & Laura M. Beskow - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):594-609.
    Answering important public health questions often requires collection of sensitive information about individuals. For example, our understanding of how HIV is transmitted and how to prevent it only came about with people's willingness to share information about their sexual and drug-using behaviors. Given the scientific need for sensitive, personal information, researchers have a corresponding ethical and legal obligation to maintain the confidentiality of data they collect and typically promise in consent forms to restrict access to it and not to publish (...)
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  4. New Directions in Biblical Thought.Martin E. Marty, Stephen C. Neill, L. Harold de Wolf, J. Carter Swaim, Hugh T. Kerr, Jack Finegan, Wayne H. Cowan, Carl Michalson, Clyde Leonard Manschreck, John W. Meister, Stanton A. Coblentz & Hazel Davis Clark - 1960
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    M. J. G. Cattermole & A. F. Wolfe. Horace Darwin's Shop: a History of the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company 1878–1968. Bristol: Adam Hilger, 1987. Pp. xvi + 285. ISBN 0-85274-569-9. £35.00. [REVIEW]G. L. E. Turner - 1987 - British Journal for the History of Science 20 (4):486-487.
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    A thought in the park: The influence of naturalness and low-level visual features on expressed thoughts.Kathryn E. Schertz, Sonya Sachdeva, Omid Kardan, Hiroki P. Kotabe, Kathleen L. Wolf & Marc G. Berman - 2018 - Cognition 174 (C):82-93.
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    Nature, Truth, and Value: Exploring the Thinking of Frederick Ferrz.George Allan, Merle Allshouse, Harley Chapman, John B. Cobb, John Compton, Donald A. Crosby, Paul T. Durbin, Barbara Meister Ferré, Frederick Ferré, Frank B. Golley, Joseph Grange, John Granrose, David Ray Griffin, David Keller, Eugene Thomas Long, Elisabethe Segars McRae, Leslie A. Muray, William L. Power, James F. Salmon, Hans Julius Schneider, Kristin Shrader-Frechette, Udo E. Simonis, Donald Wayne Viney & Clark Wolf (eds.) - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    In this thorough compendium, nineteen accomplished scholars explore, in some manner the values they find inherent in the world, their nature, and revelence through the thought of Frederick Ferré. These essays, informed by the insights of Ferré and coming from manifold perspectives—ethics, philosophy, theology, and environmental studies, advance an ambitious challenge to current intellectual and scholarly fashions.
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    Nature, Truth, and Value: Exploring the Thinking of Frederick Ferrz.George Allan, Merle Allshouse, Harley Chapman, John B. Cobb, John Compton, Donald A. Crosby, Paul T. Durbin, Barbara Meister Ferré, Frederick Ferré, Frank B. Golley, Joseph Grange, John Granrose, David Ray Griffin, David Keller, Eugene Thomas Long, Elisabethe Segars McRae, Leslie A. Muray, William L. Power, James F. Salmon, Hans Julius Schneider, Dr Kristin Shrader-Frechette, Udo E. Simonis, Donald Wayne Viney & Clark Wolf (eds.) - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    In this thorough compendium, nineteen accomplished scholars explore, in some manner the values they find inherent in the world, their nature, and revelence through the thought of Frederick FerrZ. These essays, informed by the insights of FerrZ and coming from manifold perspectives—ethics, philosophy, theology, and environmental studies, advance an ambitious challenge to current intellectual and scholarly fashions.
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  9. New books. [REVIEW]C. D. Broad, G. Galloway, Godfrey H. Thomson, W. Leslie Mackenzie, G. A. Johnston, M. L., Arthur Robinson, A. E. Taylor, L. J. Russell, W. D. Ross, R. M. MacIver, Herbert W. Blunt, A. Wolf, Helen Wodehouse & B. Bosanquet - 1914 - Mind 23 (90):274-306.
  10. “The Materialist Denial of Monsters”.Charles T. Wolfe - 2005 - In Monsters and Philosophy. College Publications. pp. 187--204.
    Locke and Leibniz deny that there are any such beings as ‘monsters’ (anomalies, natural curiosities, wonders, and marvels), for two very different reasons. For Locke, monsters are not ‘natural kinds’: the word ‘monster’ does not individuate any specific class of beings ‘out there’ in the natural world. Monsters depend on our subjective viewpoint. For Leibniz, there are no monsters because we are all parts of the Great Chain of Being. Everything that happens, happens for a reason, including a monstrous birth. (...)
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  11.  33
    Entre métaphysique, mathématique, optique et physiologie : la psychométrie au XVIIIe siècle.Wolf Feuerhahn - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 128 (3):279.
    Psychologues et philosophes partagent une même lecture de l'histoire de la psychologie selon laquelle le recours aux mathématiques pour constituer une psychométrie au XIX e siècle aurait été l'indice évident d'une séparation définitive entre psychologies scientifique et philosophique. Le présent article montre que le projet d'une psychométrie est nettement plus ancien et qu'il est au contraire né dans un espace des savoirs dans lequel métaphysique, mathématique, optique et physiologie n'étaient pas séparés. Both psychologists and philosophers share a very same reading (...)
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  12.  39
    (1 other version)Endowed Molecules and Emergent Organization: The Maupertuis-Diderot Debate.Charles T. Wolfe - 2010 - Early Science and Medicine 15 (1-2):38-65.
    In his Système de la nature ou Essai sur les corps organisés, Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, President of the Berlin Academy of Sciences and a natural philosopher with a strong interest in the modes of transmission of 'genetic' information, described living minima which he termed molecules, “endowed with desire, memory and intelligence.” Now, Maupertuis was a Leibnizian of sorts; his molecules possessed higher-level, 'mental' properties, recalling La Mettrie's statement in L'Homme-Machine, that Leibnizians have “rather spiritualized matter than materialized the soul.” (...)
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  13.  19
    Traditions of crime novel in the German postwar investigation novels.N. E. Seibel - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 5 (1):29.
    In the article the parameters of the crime novel and crime story that were used by the postwar German novel of the investigation were highlighted and analyzed. The transformation of the range of problems of criminal literature in the new conditions is showed on the material of such works as ‘Aula‘ Kant, ‘Der Fall d’Arthez‘ G.-E. Nossack ‘Buridan’s ass‘ G. de Breun, ‘Gruppenbild mit Dame‘ G. Boell, ‘Black ass‘ L. Rinzer et al. It is demonstrated which formal elements that organize (...)
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    Schleiermacher as 'catholic': A charge in the rhetoric of modern theology.John E. Thiel - 1996 - Heythrop Journal 37 (1):61–82.
    Books reviewed in this article: The Bible and Postmodern Imagination: Texts Under Negotiation. By Walter Brueggemann. In the Throe of Wonder: Intimations of the Sacred in a Post‐Modern World. By Jerome A. Miller. Interpreting Hebrew Poetry. By David L. Petersen and Kent Harold Richards. Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament, Volume I: Aαρωυ‐Eυωχ. Edited by Horst Balz and Gerhard Schneiders. The Secretary in the Letters of Paul. By E. Randolph Richards. Revelation. By Wilfrid J. Harrington. Conversion to Christianity: Historical and (...)
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  15.  81
    L.E.J. Brouwer, Collected Works.L. E. J. Brouwer - 1979 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 44 (2):271-275.
  16.  20
    The L.E.J. Brouwer Centenary Symposium: proceedings of the conference held in Noordwijkerhout, 8-13 June 1981.L. E. J. Brouwer, A. S. Troelstra & D. van Dalen (eds.) - 1982 - New York, N.Y.: Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co..
  17.  17
    The Meaning of Life: A Reader.E. D. Klemke & Steven M. Cahn (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Featuring nine new articles chosen by coeditor, Steven M. Cahn, the third edition of E. D. Klemke's The Meaning of Life offers twenty-two insightful selections that explore this fascinating topic. The essays are primarily by philosophers but also include materials from literary figures and religious thinkers. As in previous editions, the readings are organized around three themes. In Part I the articles defend the view that without faith in God, life has no meaning or purpose. In Part II the selections (...)
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    Researcher Views on Changes in Personality, Mood, and Behavior in Next-Generation Deep Brain Stimulation.Peter Zuk, Clarissa E. Sanchez, Kristin Kostick-Quenet, Katrina A. Muñoz, Lavina Kalwani, Richa Lavingia, Laura Torgerson, Demetrio Sierra-Mercado, Jill O. Robinson, Stacey Pereira, Simon Outram, Barbara A. Koenig, Amy L. McGuire & Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):287-299.
    The literature on deep brain stimulation (DBS) and adaptive DBS (aDBS) raises concerns that these technologies may affect personality, mood, and behavior. We conducted semi-structured interviews with researchers (n = 23) involved in developing next-generation DBS systems, exploring their perspectives on ethics and policy topics including whether DBS/aDBS can cause such changes. The majority of researchers reported being aware of personality, mood, or behavioral (PMB) changes in recipients of DBS/aDBS. Researchers offered varying estimates of the frequency of PMB changes. A (...)
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  19.  80
    The interplay of episodic and semantic memory in guiding repeated search in scenes.Melissa L.-H. Võ & Jeremy M. Wolfe - 2013 - Cognition 126 (2):198-212.
  20.  95
    The Challenge of Informed Consent and Return of Results in Translational Genomics: Empirical Analysis and Recommendations.Gail E. Henderson, Susan M. Wolf, Kristine J. Kuczynski, Steven Joffe, Richard R. Sharp, D. Williams Parsons, Bartha M. Knoppers, Joon-Ho Yu & Paul S. Appelbaum - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (3):344-355.
    Large-scale sequencing tests, including whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing, are rapidly moving into clinical use. Sequencing is already being used clinically to identify therapeutic opportunities for cancer patients who have run out of conventional treatment options, to help diagnose children with puzzling neurodevelopmental conditions, and to clarify appropriate drug choices and dosing in individuals. To evaluate and support clinical applications of these technologies, the National Human Genome Research Institute and National Cancer Institute have funded studies on clinical and research sequencing under (...)
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  21.  63
    From Descartes to Hume.L. E. Loeb - 1981 - Ithaca & London.
  22. Over de grondslagen der wiskunde.L. E. J. Brouwer - 1907 - Amsterdam-Leipzig: Maas & van Suchtelen.
  23. Dakin, D. 138 Danforth, M. 197–199 Danilov, I. 192,193 deCerteau, M. 118,129,212 deHeusch, L. 188.L. Abu-Lughod, Abubakr Al Rhasi, E. Ahern, Chief80 Ajamu, Don Pedro Allqamamani, M. Archer, Kaj Arhem, Denise Arnold, Arvi Sena & T. Asad - 1995 - In Richard Fardon, Counterworks: managing the diversity of knowledge. New York: Routledge.
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    Will biomedical enhancements undermine solidarity, responsibility, equality and autonomy?L. E. V. Ori - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (4):177-184.
    Prominent thinkers such as Jurgen Habermas and Michael Sandel are warning that biomedical enhancements will undermine fundamental political values. Yet whether biomedical enhancements will undermine such values depends on how biomedical enhancements will function, how they will be administered and to whom. Since only few enhancements are obtainable, it is difficult to tell whether these predictions are sound. Nevertheless, such warnings are extremely valuable. As a society we must, at the very least, be aware of developments that could have harmful (...)
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  25. Intuitionismus.L. E. J. Brouwer & D. van Dalen - 1995 - Studia Logica 54 (3):423-424.
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  26.  30
    Il giovane Fichte e l'idea di filosofia pratica universale.Jean-françois Goubet - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
    È mettendo in primo piano l’idea di filosofia pratica universale, già presente nella filosofia dell’Aufklärung, che Fichte è riuscito a dare un nuovo volto alla speculazione trascendentale postkantiana. Il saggio tenta innanzitutto di ricostruire la filosofia pratica abbozzata negli anni 1793-1794. Viene proposto un breve confronto con Wolf. In seguito, lo studio rivolge la sua attenzione ad uno dei contributi della filosofia pratica universale fichtiana: aver trattato il sentimento come nozione pratica fondamentale, presente nella conoscenza e nell’azione. Infine, si (...)
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  27. The Unity of the Senses: Interrelations Among the Modalities.L. E. Marks - 1978 - Academic Press.
  28.  67
    Flipping properties: A unifying thread in the theory of large cardinals.F. G. Abramson, L. A. Harrington, E. M. Kleinberg & W. S. Zwicker - 1977 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 12 (1):25.
  29.  88
    Margaret Cavendish's Early Engagement with Descartes and Hobbes: Philosophical Revisitation and Poetic Selection.L. E. Semler - 2012 - Intellectual History Review 22 (3):327-353.
  30. Historical background, principles and methods of intuitionism.L. E. J. Brouwer - 1952 - South African Journal of Science 49:139–146.
  31.  28
    Interstitial defect clusters in gold after bombardment with 270 eV gold ions.L. E. Thomas & K. W. Balluffi - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 15 (138):1117-1135.
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  32. Odd Couples: Friendships at the Intersection of Gender and Sexual Orientation.L. E. Kuper, R. Nussbaum & B. Mustanski - unknown
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  33. The nature and basis of human dignity.L. E. E. Patrick & Robert P. George - 2008 - Ratio Juris 21 (2):173-193.
    Abstract. We argue that all human beings have a special type of dignity which is the basis for (1) the obligation all of us have not to kill them, (2) the obligation to take their well-being into account when we act, and (3) even the obligation to treat them as we would have them treat us, and indeed, that all human beings are equal in fundamental dignity. We give reasons to oppose the position that only some human beings, because of (...)
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    Das Wahrheitsproblem und die Idee der Semantik: Eine Einführung in die Theorien von A. Tarski und R. Carnap.L. E. Palmieri - 1959 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 20 (1):136-136.
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    Women and the Family in Rural Taiwan.Leslie E. Collins & Margery Wolf - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):283.
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    Intuitionism and Formalism.L. E. J. Brouwer - 1913 - Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 20 (2):81-96.
  37. Historical introduction and fundamental notions.L. E. J. Brouwer - 1981 - In D. van Dalen, Brouwer’s Cambridge Lectures on Intuitionism. Cambridge University Press. pp. 1–20.
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    Early modern grotesque: English sources and documents 1500-1700.L. E. Semler - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The Early Modern Grotesque: English Sources and Documents 1500-1700 offers readers a large and fully annotated collection of primary source texts addressing the grotesque in the English Renaissance. The sources are arranged chronologically in 120 numbered items with accompanying explanatory Notes. Each Note provides clarification of difficult terms in the source text, locating it in the context of early modern English and Continental discourses on the grotesque. The Notes also direct readers to further English sources and relevant modern scholarship. This (...)
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  39. Probability Theory, A Historical Sketch.L. E. Maistrov, Samuel Klotz & I. Hacking - 1979 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 169 (1):115-116.
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    Objective probabilities in expert systems.L. E. Sucar, D. F. Gillies & D. A. Gillies - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 61 (2):187-208.
  41.  9
    Catull. c. XXXIII.E. V. L. - 1869 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 28 (1-4):647-647.
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    Concise Amharic Dictionary.Thomas L. Kane & Wolf Leslau - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (2):159.
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  43.  31
    Some structures of historiographical time.L. E. Shiner - 1973 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 11 (4):317-328.
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  44. The Secret Mirror Literary Form and History in Tocqueville's Recollections.L. E. Shiner - 1988
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    Time in Islam.L. E. Goodman - 1992 - Asian Philosophy 2 (1):3-19.
    Islam displaces the ancient idea of time as an implacable enemy with the scriptural image of time as the stage of judgment, a narrow bridge of accountability stretched between creation and eternity. The stark contrast of temporal evanescence with all the immutability of eternity challenges Muslim theologians and philosophers of the classic age. The dialectical theologians of the kalam describe time and change atomisti‐cally and even occasionalistically, seeking to preserve the absoluteness of the contrast and to avoid compromising the purity (...)
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  46. Obshchai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ otnostelʹnosti posle Ėĭnshteĭna.L. Ė Gurevich - 1972 - Edited by Gliner, Ėrast Borisovich & [From Old Catalog].
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    Persons and Perception.L. E. Thomas - 1963 - Philosophical Quarterly 13 (52):275-276.
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    Zhiznʹ, smertʹ, bessmertie.L. E. Balashov - 1996 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Academia".
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  49. Consciousness, philosophy, and mathematics.L. E. J. Brouwer - 1948 - Proceedings of the 10Th International Congress of Philosophy, Amsterdam:1235–1249.
  50. Wiskunde Waarheid Werkelijkheid.L. E. J. Brouwer - 1920 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 27 (4):9-9.
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